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EABS - Interview

Obviously, it is much easier to keep in touch, exchange files and information. But nothing compares to the real organic work. That’s where the magic begins and it’s impossible to achieve it through the synthetic connection. Especially when the music is spontaneous and interactive...

EABS - Interview


January 12, 2024
10 mins
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Tell us a bit about EABS.


EABS was formerly known as Electro-Acoustic Beat Sessions, so it was rather an event than a band. Back in 2011 three musicians were gathered by DJ and producer Spisek Jednego to host together hip-hop/jazz jam sessions in a legendary Puzzle club in Wrocław, Poland. In this venue, we played with many local and world renown coming and going  musicians, rappers and vocalists like: Jeru The Damaja, Dave Liebman, Coultrain, Ben LaMar Gay, Rashaan Ahmad and many more. All of a sudden, we realized that almost every session comprises of the same rhythm and horn section. It was a sign that we get along together as a solid band than just an event. Our first release was Puzzle Mixtape (released on tape in 2016) which comprised of live recordings caught on our jam sessions in the Puzzle club. That was the end of our “Puzzle period” and the beginning of a new era when we have started to function as EABS - the band. EABS as a band is an organism with a mission. When we release new music it is not created just for the sake of music. We deliver music with the message.


Talk to us a bit about your most recent project, ‘In Search For a Better Tomorrow.’


It is a special organic blend of two bands from different civilizations: EABS from Poland and Jaubi from Pakistan. We managed to meet in Poland to record together blending compositions from EABS and Jaubi members. The effect was surprising because we created a solid material. What is more, we recorded it in Monochrom Studio based around a beautiful landscape of Kotlina Kłodzka. As soon as the recording session ended, we went outside the studio. To our surprise, there was a beautiful rainbow emerging all around the landscape. That was the evidence of the magic and the power of this special project.


The relationship between EABS and Jaubi is unique, spanning thousands of miles and multiple continents.

Tell us a bit about how this relationship fostered.


We managed to play two European tours already. When it is possible to meet together, it is almost like a celebration. Everything is possible when we’re in search of a better tomorrow. We have created an unique bond based on mutual understanding and love.


In your opinion, how has Jazz evolved in the last couple of years?


We like watching the evolution of jazz when it goes in a traditional way. Although, our concept of tradition is different. Historically, progressive jazz was always on time. It was always around the subcultures and pop culture. Back in the 30’s, jazz benefited from popular musicals, in the 60’s it benefited from Rock & Roll. Now it benefits from Rap, Trap, Juke, House, Techno or Metal. So, this is the proper way. Being right on time. Reflecting current times through the prism of music.


Can you elaborate on cosmic escapism?


It is a concept derived from the philosophy of the one and only Sun Ra. When there is harm on Earth, over which you have no influence, you look for other places where you can escape, at least mentally. That was our state of mind when we recorded our album Discipline of Sun Ra back in 2020.


Tell us a bit about how the album allowed both bands to express their countries' separate painful histories on a single project.


Everything becomes clear at the end of the road. The Judgement Day. Whether you look up this concept in Quran or in the Holy Bible, it is not written which God judges the whole mankind. It means that at the very end we are equal. What is more, we are peace loving people, thus, our mutual pain is the evil which infects the humanity. That’s why we’ve met  - to bring the evidence that the music has power. The power to speak the same non-verbal language to experience this journey together - from hell to peaceful place.


What do you think the future holds for cross-cultural collabs with the advent of globalization and the internet?


Obviously, it is much easier to keep in touch, exchange files and information. But nothing compares to the real organic work. That’s where the magic begins and it’s impossible to achieve it through the synthetic connection. Especially when the music is spontaneous and interactive.


Tell us a bit about Slavic Spirits.


Slavic Spirits is the concept about the Slavic melancholy which has infected lifestyles and culture coming from eastern Europe. Slavic melancholy is an unprocessed trauma due to our painful history, and Slavic Spirits is a therapeutic agent. The album begins with darkness, ignorance and anxiety towards what scares us. We wander, we encounter our traumas personified by the spirit of the forest - Leszy and the spirit of death - Południca. We climb the sacred Mount Ślęża to finally greet the Sun, freeing ourselves from our trauma and achieving nirvana.


What’s next for EABS?


Currently, we are focusing on the great Tomasz Stańko who was, indeed, a Slavic spirit. We reinterpreted his incredible album Purple Sun from 1973. What is more, we recorded the whole thing in Stanko’s apartment in Warsaw and his daughter, Anna, provided our trumpeter with Tomasz’s original trumpet for the duration of the recording session. We’re very excited. It’s going to be out on spring 2024.

LINKS: Website - Bandcamp

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