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STABSCOTCH - Interview

You, as ur future self is called, tells you that they are on vacation (you explain that rather than just simply travel to different places in the world, people from their time travel to other time periods)...

STABSCOTCH - Interview


July 15, 2022
9 mins
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Tell us about 'Stabscotch'...


The etymology stems from the origin of orbit, where some that have looked into it don't really consider a part of that beginning but that's something we strive for. As a function we strive to create a system that goes over and through what it was originally beginning from that origin point, but we don't necessarily make that the constraint all the time. In a definite system, we would otherwise robustly affirm its concepts before we plan it, but again that's not always the point of it. Also, the extensions of its main foundation has caused different paths to other surroundings and were pretty happy with that.


Tell us about your 2022 release titled,' Prison Jar.'


We were super inspired by all kinds of genres. rock, rap, country... the list goes on. We think its important to be transparent about our influences and why they're important to us, Although that second part is more personal depending on who you talk to. We really tried to make something everyone can understand.


What inspired the album art for the project?


It all started from this conversation we had about breakfast weirdly enough. we were out to eat and we saw this one chick with red hair that was more scarlet than red and we tried to envision her extremities without asking her about it or truly knowing what they were. We didnt want to draw them down because that seemed too impersonal but we used words like voluptuous and sweaty to start with. after we stared at her a while we came back and drew out concepts, some were a bust and some were too busty. But after working on it a while we got the look just right, its still something we go over in our heads to this day.


Tell us about the Lemon Egg you sold with this project...


It is a testament that were never going to do conventional physical releases ever again. its a waste of plastic and were not interested in feeding collectors more stuff to sit on a dresser unspun. Sorry to those that actually listen to the things they spin but everything we supply in releases feeds the more important intangibles physical releases are supposed to give anyway.

all good lemons go to heaven.


Does the album follow a narrative?


You, as ur future self is called, tells you that they are on vacation (you explain that rather than just simply travel to different places in the world, people from their time travel to other time periods).

You reveal they cannot tell anyone about their time, but when they leaves for their time, you stows away with them. you learn they will not become ruler of the world but rather "a 35-year-old Youtube gazing virgin". You is further disappointed when, doing a family dinner, they learn the mother of the world is still alive, eve underwent a sex change shortly after college and is now called adam, your past self is a cop married to a foul-mouthed chain-smoking woman called PLEASURE whose only interest is sticking the mother of the world and the hero into a retirement home so she can have their house, and that your Siamese twin died after eating chocolate out of the garbage and is seen in Heaven with love, spirit, and art, who all shot themselves. You pass off Yourself as a virgin boy named The Wizard to everyone until you can send them back to their own time.


Does spirituality/existentialism influence your creative process?




What does 'conjuring white magic in its most polished form,' symbolize for you?


Jetting towards absolution until you disintegrate into a beam of light.

Also cum is white.


Can you elaborate on your Bandcamp bio, "Stabscotch is a rock group that goes further"?


There’s numerous testimonies between all of us from our respective sexual associates that we, in fact, go further. This relates to our physical distances we achieve in spaces to the emotional and spiritual impact we strive to excavate when sharing souls. This is the source of our conjoined powers thus creating music that goes further, so to speak.


Tell us about the album art you used for the track, 'The Hungriest Beast,' on YouTube.


The hungriest beast knows no doors. the concept of an enlarged hole frightens it since it implies an absence of substance to accumulate, thus feels aggressively towards doors since that open space is implied after a door. this can be related into the abstract as well if we consider a 'door' an 'opportunity' or something. These are also eradicated by the hungriest beast, because it only wants to grow. its hunger is caused by its envious need for power. that’s what you see in the cover and yourself, assuming you're not a coward.


What's next for Stabscotch?


Time, sleep, and not knowing.


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