Nature, spirituality, my every-day life experience. Emotions, interpretations of experiences. Theology, psychology, physics. My cats. Weather patterns. The mystery of life...
I sort of didn’t believe it when I saw it. I found out when someone direct messaged me saying something about a quote tweet...
The first computer I ever had the chance of using was my family's HP Compaq DC7100 running Windows XP and that clean yet primitive UI design had a very big impact on me...
I had all these strange pieces of audio, from conversations w/ my friends, snippets of old medical films, warped acoustic noise, and chaotic synthesized recordings, and they all struck me a certain way...
Music is emotion. Whether happy or sad, it's just a way of helping you deal with them and set the record straight about yourself...
Plus we're all having midlife crises and doing this was cheaper than buying a Miata or getting TRT therapy...
I’ve been lucky that I’ve always had more ideas for music than time to produce them all, so in the beginning, it was easy. I was releasing 15-20 tracks a year, and labels were eating them up...
Given JPEGMAFIA's notoriety our expectations were high for his live performance...
The sense of community around during the festival was striking, given the dystopian nature of the early pandemic...
I don't know how I've gone this long without seeing Kendrick or Keem. I was supposed to photograph one of their shows back in Vancouver in 2022...
It’s a lot to ask nowadays, but we’d love for people to listen to the record as a whole since we made it with the intention of flowing like in full from start to finish.
Tracking so many artists in the mainstream + underground it’s blatantly obvious who is going to blow up in the mainstream...
Everything needs to make sense together. It's easy to create music that is overbearing when you have six instruments on stage. You have to make sure every single one of them is playing something that is contributing without smothering...
There's a lot of concern about fame and popularity within consumer culture in Superflat, and I believe these are often domains of extreme levels of toxic objectification...
Navigating darkness isn’t easy but we can’t have light without dark. We all go through devastating times, trauma, heartbreak...
I was in a headspace where I wanted a name that represents the closest to my essence. The symbol ((( O ))) represents energy, life-force, what we all have...